SUSTAINABILITY AND URBAN THINKING has been on our radar for years, and we are proud to present our 3 categories within this segment. Combining these projects
SUSTAINABILITY AND URBAN THINKING has been on our radar for years, and we are proud to present our 3 categories within this segment. Combining these projects
Smart Greens

Dianella Little Rev

Dianella Wyeena

Lomandra Tanika

Dianella Cassa Blue

Dianella Tasred

Lomandra Katrinus de Luxe

Dianella Clariety Blue

Liriope Pure Blond

Pennisetum Pennstripe

Dianella Destiny

Liriope JustRight

Phormium Flamin

Dianella Little Jess

Liriope Isabella
Greenzone / Shrubs

Acacia Mini Cog

Callistemon White

Ficus Figaro

Michelia White Caviar

Photinia Thin Red

Backhousia Citromax

Callistemum Red Rocket

Hardenbergia Meema

Photinia Cracklin Red

Pittosporum Cut Above

Callistemon Better John

Calocephalus Silver Cushion

Hymenosporum Luscious

Photinia Dynamo Red

Syzygium Orange Twist

Callistemon Macarthur

Eremophila Beryl Blue

Hardenbergia Mini Meema

Photinia Fireball Red

Maireana oppositifolia Blue Bush

Callistemon Slim

Ficus Figaro Variegated

Metrosideros Velvet Sky

Photinia Red Fence

Hakea myrtoides burrendong Beauty
Flowering Products
Some of the following flowering collection fits very well in to the Sustainable Urban Garden, such as Gazania Sunstoppers, that will keep flowering during the summer and the Lavandulas with their strong scent and cool colours.